Leadership Development
Transform your teams, create a winning culture and lead with integrity in the workplace.

Work better together.
Pragmatic, actionable tools to better connect and collaborate.
- Build Better Relationships
- Inspire Great Managers
- Increase Workforce Agility
- Harness the Power of Conflict
- Lead with Impact
- Cultivate Top Sales Talent

89% of The Five Behaviors® learners say it improved their team’s effectiveness.

Certified Leadership Challenge® Coaches
Our suite of solutions offers practical and hands-on learning experiences designed to help your people at all levels develop the leadership skills needed to achieve their personal best.

Certified DiSC® Trainers
DiSC fosters empathy for others, knowing that the powerful insights learned about oneself are just as true and powerful for others—regardless of how different they might be from your own.

Certified Five Behaviors® Trainers
The Five Behaviors® empowers teams to rethink their approach to teamwork and shape new behaviors—personalized insights to empower individuals to make lasting change.

Work better together.
The DiSC suite is simple without being simplistic and offers pragmatic, actionable ways to better connect and collaborate.
- Build Better Relationships
- Inspire Great Managers
- Increase Workforce Agility
- Harness the Power of Conflict
- Lead with Impact
- Cultivate Top Sales Talent

Certified Leadership Challenge® Coaches
Our suite of solutions offers practical and hands-on learning experiences designed to help your people at all levels develop the leadership skills needed to achieve their personal best.

Certified DiSC® Trainers
DiSC fosters empathy for others, knowing that the powerful insights learned about oneself are just as true and powerful for others—regardless of how different they might be from your own.

Certified Five Behaviors® Trainers
The Five Behaviors® empowers teams to rethink their approach to teamwork and shape new behaviors—personalized insights to empower individuals to make lasting change.
Scientifically validated. Trusted by millions.

Scientifically validated. Trusted by millions.

Scientifically validated. Trusted by millions.

LPI® Self Empowered™
The LPI® Self Empowered™ is a powerful self-assessment rooted in the data-driven framework of The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®.
Designed for leaders at all levels, individual contributors, and students, Self Empowered enables your people to evaluate their leadership competencies and chart a path for growth.

Meet The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®

The LPI® 360
Because leadership is about what you do, the LPI 360 measures the frequency a leader engages in each of the 30 behaviors that make up The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® proven to access leadership effectiveness.

Self Empowered™
Self Empowered introduces individuals to the language of leadership through the lens of their own behaviors. Through this powerful experience, leaders begin to recognize and act on their own natural leadership abilities and are armed with definitive actions they can take to grow.

The Student Leadership Challenge®
Instilling leadership skills in the students of today creates a better tomorrow. The Student Leadership Challenge® guides and develops students who have yet to gain formal business and leadership experience by teaching them The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®.

Everything DiSC®: Get to know, adapt to, and value others
Develop your internal talent and expertise to address challenges and drive change. Foster the mindset shifts necessary for tackling complex and strategic problem-solving challenges.

Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™
By combining the personalized insights of DiSC with active emotional intelligence development, participants discover an agile approach to workplace interactions, empowering them to meet the demands of any situation.

Everything DiSC® Workplace®
Using personalized insights and actionable strategies, participants learn how to adapt to the style of others, ultimately improving engagement, collaboration, and the overall culture of your organization.

Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict
This learning experience combines the personalized insights of DiSC® with the proven science of cognitive behavioral theory to help participants recognize and transform their destructive habits into more productive responses.

Everything DiSC® Sales
Participants learn how to stretch beyond their natural sales style to adapt to their customers’ preferences and expectations more effectively—regardless of the customer’s unique buying style.

Everything DiSC® Management
By combining DiSC with personalized management insights, participants learn to adapt their approach to each direct report, improving their management effectiveness in real-time.

Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders
With one unified model of leadership—Vision, Alignment, and Execution—leaders understand their own leadership styles and how their tendencies influence their effectiveness in specific leadership situations.

The Five Behaviors®: Workshops, assessments, and coaching sessions

By fostering trust, embracing conflict, committing to decisions, holding each other accountable, and focusing on results, teams can improve their effectiveness and achieve greater success.

You and The Five Behaviors®
No one tells you how to be a good teammate. This report will teach you the principles of good teamwork. You’ll learn about the model and how the five interconnected behaviors come together to build a cohesive team.

Intact Team Assessment
Are you truly part of a cohesive team? As much effort as it takes to build a cohesive team, the process does not have to be complicated. In fact, keeping it simple is critical: Trust, Engage, Commit, Be Accountable, Achieve Results

Team Progress Report
Has your team made progress? Maintaining a cohesive team requires ongoing attention and effort. Pinpoint where improvements have been made, and where it might still be needed.

Grow Your Business With Us
Develop your internal talent and expertise to address challenges and drive change. Foster the mindset shifts necessary for tackling complex and strategic problem-solving challenges.

Corporate Training
Let our qualified coaches guide you through a suite of personality assessment tools like
Everything DiSC
The Five Behaviors
Productive Conflict
Work of Leaders

On-Demand Training
Continuously update your skills and knowledge. Educational materials, resources, and instruction are available to learners whenever they need them.

Corporate Facilitation
Use our assessments to make smarter hiring decisions, develop your team, and enhance overall workforce performance and talent management.