Community Engagement

Why do we give?
Paradigm 360º is anchored in three core values:
- Belief in the client
- Sustainable change comes from within
- Leaders take responsibility
It’s our goal to help bridge the gap in areas of rural and inner city poverty, workforce mobility and K-12 education. A portion of our corporate earnings contribute to the work we perform in the local marketplace. We are also very thankful for the large number of Paradigm 360º Coaches and corporate partners who support our vision to help offset the cost of high-level programing for youth enrolled in our Young Entrepreneurs program and the adult learners in fragile communities who are learning new skillsets and personally developing themselves on a corporate level.
Our ultimate goal is to “Build World-Class Leaders One Conversation At A Time!”

Men and Women of Promise Conference
Paradigm 360º hosts a yearly leadership conference for more than 300 high school youth annually. Students are bussed from their school to a full service executive conference center where they spend the day with six national speakers and more than 60 Paradigm 360º Coaches and Volunteers.
Each year the students visit a different theme on leadership and personal development while being coached throughout the day by adult table coaches. In addition to learning the youth enjoy eating lunch with corporate volunteers, dancing and creating leadership podcast on demand.

The Be Great Conference
The Be Great Conference is a Partnership with Paradigm 360° Coach and Former Carolina Panther, Nate Salley.
We reached over 300 high school youth in a leadership conference designed to help students dream big and think about the importance of their personal vision. Ret. Indianapolis Colts, Roy Hall and Paradigm 360º Coach Erika Shorty were the main speakers for the day and Ret. Carolina Panther, Steve Smith, stopped by for to share as a panelist. It was a power packed day full of activities and fun for all who attended.

Job Shadowing Experiences
Our Paradigm 360º Clients have opened their doors to our Young Entreprenures so they can experience the marketplace.
Last year our mentees traveled to Atlanta, Georgia to visit the CNN Headquarters, The FAA Tower at Hartsfield International Airport and experience a private dinning experience with Georgia State Legislator, Representative Kim Schofield, government leaders and entrepreneurs. Wells Fargo Bank invited the our mentees to a dinning experience at their Corporate Headquarters Executive Dinning Room.
The students enjoyed the boardroom, great food and the spectacular sights of the Charlotte Skyline.

The Summit
Paradigm 360° Partnered with New Beginnings Church and Dream Builders University out of Cincinnati, Ohio providing 400 youth over a span of two days an opportunity to take part in a social emotional learning conference called the Summit!
The Summit is our middle school learning experience designed to help students understand the negative and positive sides of the internet and to spend a day on personal vision casting to prepare them for their future high school experience.
Students are bussed to a learning center for the day, provided lunch, academics and mentored by a National Speaker LaMarque Ward from Cincinnati, Ohio.

Teacher Appreciation Week
Our value system is to “Believe in The Individual” Paradigm 360° is committed to giving back to our local educational system.
Each year we provide a series of corporate professional development trainings pro bono for our school partners.
We realize that many school districts lack the funding in the area of soft skill training for their teachers and administrative staff. We are honored to partner with individuals who give so much each and every day, we salute our wonderful educators and school partnerships.

Global Leadership Academy
Our Global Leadership Academy host weekend experience workshops quarterly for leaders in rural communities.
Our goal is to empower adult learners with the opportunity to scale their income and careers by providing tools they may not be able to receive within their normal workplace.
We provide one day coaching clinics, leadership development programs and corporate speakers from the Marketplace to encourage, empower and equip leaders for future success.

Ready to make a change?
(But not sure how?)
Let's create an environment where your team thrives, collaborates effectively, and achieves their goals with greater efficiency and impact.
Get In Touch
Paradigm 360° is your team of trusted advisors and coaches
Design Your Solution
Discover our suite of programming for a structured and efficient approach
Learn, apply and reflect on effective leadership habits that drive results
Solve Real Challenges
Improved capabilities, structures, and behaviors to deliver on your mandate